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Vamol Industria Moveleira Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

The Vamol began operations on 1 September 1993 with the fancy name valmóveis. The company was installed in a building of 300 sq.m., located on Street 93 in Tangará Arapongas / PR, with 04 employees, and its production of wardrobes made the basis of MDP and melamine (FF).

The obstacles were many, especially in the acceptance of products on the market. They made wardrobes, but could not sell them. But with much persistence, struggle and faith profits began to appear.

Later, the company began desenvolvoer the product "of RACK CORNER" which distinguished the company in the market. The Corner Rack made ​​the company known throughout Brazil. To be able to meet the demand of production the company felt the need to expand its physical space and invest in new equipment. And now we have the line back in 2011 Vamol portfolio of the "Zen Corner Rack."

A decade of history, Vamol today has 280 employees and technology to meet an increasingly demanding market.

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Vamol Industria Moveleira Ltda.

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Business type

  • began operations
  • company
  • wardrobes
  • made
  • basis
  • melamine
  • production
  • market
  • zen corner rack
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario João ********
  • icone de telefone +55 43********
  • map-marker ARAPONGAS / PA | Brazil

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