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Vallée S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2011



About Us

Vallée S.A. was founded in 1961 under the name of Instituto Vallée. The goal of this institute was to produce drugs designated to veterinarian use; and to do so, it began with vaccine production against the foot-and-mouth disease virus, a disease at that time attacking swine and bovine herds throughout Brazil.

The growth in production and diversification of its products demanded new facilities. Vallée Nordeste S.A was founded on December 13, 1978, with project approval by SUDENE, and installed in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais.

Vallée occupies an area of 170,000 m², with 14,362 m² construction, having approximately 550 collaborators (among employees and outsourced professionals). Besides its industrial plant, the company also has Uberlândia\s Facilities, which consists of the Parasitological Experimental Laboratory and the experimental farm. In addition, the entire Commercial Management and part of the Technological Administration staff are stationed in São Paulo. Vallée also own 08 distribution centers located in several states, enabling better assistance to our clients in Brazil.

Acting with the VASTE line: vaccine, antiparasitics, supplements, therapeutics and specials, which contain more than 100 registered products, and with 65 of them in the market. Vallée provides the most complete line of cattle products in the Brazilian’s market.

Thanks to its commercial growth, in April 1993, Vallée remained active in every national market; and its name changed from Vallée Nordeste S.A. to Vallée S.A. with the goal of obtaining larger integration with the national market.

Focusing on the control and elimination of the foot-and-mouth disease, the Agricultural Department required that all manipulation of such disease took place inside a bio-secure environment in order to prevent dissemination of the virus. Therefore, the Biosecure Laboratory was built and opened in 1998. Today it is considered as a national reference in bio-security by official government bodies.

More about
Vallée S.a.

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Business type

  • veterinarian
  • vaccine
  • swine
  • bovine
  • antiparasitics
  • supplemets
  • therapeutics.
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Fernando ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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