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Usivale Conectores Coaxiais

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2013



About Us

USIVALE is considered today one of the leading Brazilian companies in the sector of electronic connectors for telecommunications.

Established in 1997, the company has been growing gradually reaching new goals and putting into practice all the experience gained during these 15 years of effort and dedication to our customers.

Thus USIVALE want to present yourself as a reliable alternative to suprirtodas needs, offering comprehensive technical support and business conditions compatible to the market.

Concerning our products - COAXIAL CONNECTORS:

We develop tailor-made connectors, combining technical standards to the needs of the customer, which makes USIVALE the right choice when it comes to coaxial connectors.

Our connectors conform to IEC standards for each grade, among the series we work are:

BNC, TNC, N, UHF, Mini UHF, IEC (L9), F and SMA DIN7/16.

Today our main differential is ISO 9001 as well as the approval of our connectors by ANATEL - National Telecommunications Agency - and our short delivery time.

The industrial park of USIVALE is able to meet the great demand for their products and any need for their customers. Equipped with various types of equipment among which stand out: CNC Lathes (ROMI), CNC Automatic Lathes (ERGOMAT) and Automatic Lathes Conventional (TRAUB).

More about
Usivale Conectores Coaxiais

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Business type

  • Coaxial connectors
  • Telecommunications
  • RF connector

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario ELTON ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker TIMBO / SC | Brazil

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