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Total Acessibilidade

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

Total Accessibility was founded with the goal of providing solutions for accessibility, and quality products and services and sustainable. We specialize in providing products and services to businesses, municipalities or other bodies to promote and implement accessibility in its full functionality.

The quality in the provision and delivery of services is paramount to us, focusing on delivery, care of the technical requirements of NBR 9050/2004.

We are in Itajaí - Santa Catarina - Brazil
We serve all of Brazil with the services and supplies.
Only to supply the world with transfer of know-how on installation and execution of works *.

(*) Respecting technical standards in force in each country

Be the reference of construction in the area of accessibility in Brazil and the world.
Serve our clients, giving priority to security, delivery and quality, with commitment of our human capital and technology, using best practices of social and environmental responsibility, aiming to bring profitability and build prosperity through sustainable development of accessibility for all involved in our activities.
· People - We value and respect people. We create an environment that allows the development of their full potential and be proud of Full Accessibility.
· Excellence - We dedicate our best to be a benchmark for safety, time, quality and cost.
· Innovation - We implement change and innovation with a sense of urgency. Innovating, we will build our tomorrow.
• Ethics - We act with integrity and ethics. We work with transparency in our decisions. We are responsible for our actions.
· Liability socio-environmental - promote accessibility in a sustainable manner.

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • Eastern Europe
  • North America
  • South America
  • Western Europe

More about
Total Acessibilidade

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler
  • Retailer

  • piso tátil podotátil acessibilidade piso táctil para proyectos accesibilidad tactile floorings for projects of accessibility

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Douglas ********
  • icone de telefone +55 47********
  • map-marker Itajaí / SC | Brazil

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