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Selectas S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Dealers and companies in the furniture industry of Brazil, the United States, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Spain, Denmark, England, South Africa, Finland and all over Latin America make use of the Selectas products, thus confirming their preference for the quality of a brand that has supplied the most demanding markets with the best wood products - sliced and rotary-cut wood, plywood and lumber - for more than sixty years.

Our History
In 1920, a young Maria Baur, left Switzerland and chose Brazil as the country in which to take root.

She founded Selectas in 1935 and, like a tree, it grew and bore fruit. She made thousands of other trees grow the fertile ground, which is now covered with enormous reforestation areas. In the shade of her trees she sheltered a staff of hundreds of people, cultivating each employee’s competence and professionalism.

Charisma and sensitivity were the essence of her work as the head of the company for over 50 years. Like autumn leaves that fall from the tree to fly away, the Selectas products won both a position in the market and world-wide credibility.

Products acclaimed as special -- as special as Maria Baur. She was a woman way ahead of her time and she knew, like the trees, how to search for the brightest sunlight to grow and for the best nutrients in the deepest soil in order to develop fully.

They say that the good tree is the one which bears good fruit. Maria Baur was such a tree.

Even though she is no longer among us, her example makes our devolution and love for our work, for the environment and the quality of the Selectas products germinate every day.

Key Points
For many years, Selectas S.A., has been worried about being constantly active and introducing modernization by programs and projects that could differ its activities.

On this direction we can emphasize as Selectas\\\\ differences:
  • Reforestation Projects
  • Ecological Concerns
  • Program of Total Quality

    Selectas S.A. works focuses itself on its clients, its human resources and in the general community in a manner to guarantee its success and its growing market share.

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    Selectas S.a.

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    Business type

    • veneer plywood wood

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Edeson ********
    • icone de telefone +55 41********
    • map-marker Curitiba / PA | Brazil

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