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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2015



About Us

The SATECH began operations in April 23, 1987 with the denomination CSR commercial telecommunications trade EQUIPMENT LTD. SERCON in telefnicos repair equipment and systems consultancy private telecommunications.

In April 1998, the reason was changed to SATECH SYSTEMS LTD telecommunications so as to suit Brazilian legislation of trademarks and patents and directed its activities to produoe equipment repair and accessories for telecommunications.

At this stage, we detected the need for implantation of a quality system, to reduce costs and improve service to its customers, giving beginning to padronizao processes, which were gradually aperfeioados.

In July 2003 it was certified according to the requirements of the standard ISO 9001:2008 by SGS Certification Ltda.

The certification was revalidated as Certificates BR03/894 07/2006, 07/2009 and 07/2012, these two FULL EXTENT by the standard ISO 9001:2008, demonstrating effectiveness of the gesture system adopted, encouraging its employees in the relentless pursuit of continuous improvement in benefit to all stakeholders.

Click here to see the last of certification Satech

In 2011 was completed the first export of connectorized cables to Paraguay.

Main Markets

  • South America

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1M - 2M

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • commercial telecommunications trade
  • legislation of trademarks
  • and patents
  • and directed

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario MASAMI ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker CURITIBA / PA | Brazil

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