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Potivias Ambiental Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2021



About Us

APotivias Ambiental is a large Brazilian company in the cleaning and maintenance sector, providing a series of basic services: 1. Operation of urban cleaning systems; 2. Collection, treatment and final disposal of household, commercial, hospital and industrial waste; 3. Implementation of Units for Treatment and Recovery of Municipal Solid Waste by Vermicomposting (accelerated composting and vermi-digestion); 4. Operation and execution of landfills; 5. Sweeping paved roads and public streets in general; 6. Weeding on public roads and places, manual and/or mechanized mowing of vegetation; 7. Painting of guides and poles, clearance of manholes, washing of streets, parks and fairs-free; 8. Transport of slurry; 9. Cleaning and conservation of external areas of buildings, industrial, etc.; 10. Collection of health waste (clinics, hospitals, offices, etc.); and 11. Selective collection of recyclable waste.

Main Markets

  • South America

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Potivias Ambiental Ltda.

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1M - 2M

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Business type
  • Business Service

  • garbage collection
  • sweeping
  • landfill
  • composting
  • recycling
  • cleaning
  • conservation
  • sanitation
  • environment
  • sustainability
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Cleuber ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Macapá / AP | Brazil

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