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Pollus Ind. E Com. De Móveis Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

In the 1940s arrived Portuguese Joaquim Ferreira da Costa, supplier of ties to the old "railroad", riding in our city one of the first sawmill of wood. There started the family tradition of furniture makers and today\s directors are the third generation of family. Pollus began in 1989, shortly after the group is incorporated into the company JOWANEL also family of origin, further strengthening the group Pollus.

Our Vision Being recognized as a company concerned with the needs of its customers with excellent service, ethical conduct, social responsibility and environmental, generating economic value for your community, your employees, improving the quality of life, wellness, and professional opportunities .

Our Mission: Producing and distributing quality furniture, adding technology, updated design, providing comfort and satisfaction to our customers.

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Pollus Ind. E Com. De Móveis Ltda

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Business type

  • furniture wood Trimmers Bicamas buffet\s chairs columns closets Upholstery 3X2 Lug Home Theaters Side table Coffee Tables modules Retractable modules / Reclining armchairs

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Fernando ********
  • icone de telefone +55 17********
  • map-marker Votuporanga / SP | Brazil

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