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Orbi Química

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2024



About Us

Orbi Química is a 100% national company that started its activities in 2006. It has the green seal of environmentally correct products, ensuring that its product line contributes to the sustainable development of the planet. In this line, the company's main product, White Lub Super, a nationally recognized anti-seize lubricant, has a vegetable oil base in its composition. Currently, Orbi Química has two manufacturing centers in its group of companies: the Blumenau/SC unit, with 7,000 square meters, and Camaçari, in Bahia, with 25,000 square meters. The company offers complete solutions for automotive, industrial, and civil construction maintenance and conservation lines, manufacturing chemical products for various applications, all following strict production and quality processes. In this way, it also excels in manufacturing various products with its clients' brands in its outsourcing department (also known as private label). To offer the market an extensive line of high-performance products, the company maintains its philosophy of investing in innovative equipment and technologies, with well-equipped laboratories, modern devices for product formulation and quality analysis, automated equipment, and a highly specialized multidisciplinary team, consisting of chemical engineers and technicians specialized in development and quality control. All products comply with INMETRO standards and requirements and are registered and notified with ANVISA and ANP. The company is certified with the Apcer ISO 9001 seal, as well as the Green Seal of the Chico Mendes Institute and the Jornal do Meio Ambiente of the State of São Paulo. This is Orbi Química: breaking barriers in Brazil and always valuing the quality and high performance of its products! Orbi Química – Performance above all.

Main Markets

  • Middle East
  • South America

More about
Orbi Química

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10M - 50M

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • chemicals
  • chemicals

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Caio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Leme / SP | Brazil

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