Our story began in 1993 in the city of Farroupilha by the owner Mrs.
Dilva Oldoni. From its foundation to the present day, Knitting Oldoni has a
family structure.
The focus of Knitwear Oldoni is rectilinear knitted products such as beanies,
scarves, blouses, dresses, sweaters, jackets, skirts, trousers, and polo shirts, among
other products.
Working with the most advanced in looms and machines, as well as matter
Differentiated press, our team of professionals guarantees quality and durability
of the parts in addition to the punctuality of delivery. So all the products that come out of the
Our company are in accordance with the requirements of the market.
Today, the products of Oldoni and partners are spread throughout Brazil in more
of 1,000 points of sale, serving different audiences and delivering the best
Product options for every style.
The recognition of our work is based on the satisfaction of customers, partners,
suppliers and employees. Our company believes in the work of Brazilian hands,
It celebrates its achievements and plans to move forward, investing and innovating.