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Nuttsmais Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos LTDA

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2023



About Us

LOTS OF LOVE FOR WHAT WE DO Nutt's + is a company created in 2015 by me Eduardo Salvador, Agronomist by training, passionate about cooking and healthy living, after living for a while in the United States and getting greatly excited about their passion for this product. But like every good Brazilian I wanted to do more, much more, and here we are. In order to provide a high quality product to meet the select market of Barns, Natural Products Emporiums, Supplement Stores, we develop day by day new flavors to surprise you with each spoonful. In 2019 we started our outsourcing to other brands, and our first partnership was the company ElementoPuro, producing for them the Nutdop, protein peanut pastes using the brand's flavor mix. Next new brands came like OhMyNuts and Extreme Nutrition. Currently we are open to outsourcing new brands that have the dream of starting in this market. We use highly selected peanuts and nuts, whose supplier's standard is attested by several certifications: BRC – British Retail Consortium, global standard, requirement of the European market. Sedex - Supplier Ethical Data Exchange. Nestlé Responsible Sourcing. Kosher – which sets standards for marketing with the Jewish Community. Propeanut ABICAB Halal GlutenFree ** We use low-speed technology developed by the Founder and Creator of the Company to produce our pastes, which results in a product without that excessive oil separation common in most brands on the market. This technology allows us to have exclusively the only peanut paste on the market with 12 MONTHS of validity. We use sterile jars with induction seal under the lid to ensure a better Shelf Life for your product. Another great differential is that we produce our pastes in small batches, batches of 250 units, which allows us a higher quality control and greater Shelf Life of your product in the store since it is shipped fresh. Our products are all: GLUTEN-FREE LACTOSE FREE NO ADDED SUGARS NO POLYOL SWEETENERS, MALTODEXTRIN ... WE ONLY USE PURE STEVIA WE ARE PLANT BASED CLEAN LABEL VEGAN

Main Markets

  • South America

More about
Nuttsmais Indústria e Comércio de Alimentos LTDA

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500K - 1M

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Amendoim paste
  • peanut butter
  • peanut butter.

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Eduardo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 45********
  • map-marker Cascavel / PR | Brazil

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