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Menezes De Matos

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Yes! is a cosmetics company in Brazil in business since 2000. With an innovative marketing model, which mixes the retail direct sale, is present throughout the country through more than 350 stores.

Its product line covers over 450 items, from perfume, personal hygiene products, body moisturizers, blush and accessories. All with high quality and affordable prices. In its manufacture, Yes! uses modern technologies and production processes and its products are subjected to stringent quality tests. All cosmetics have registered in the Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (Anvisa), an agency of the Brazilian Ministry of Health.

The main objective of Yes! is to establish relations based on close contact and personal with each of its various public clients: Consumers, Retailers and Distributors. So, we are constantly investing not only in improving the technology and logistics, but also in training and recruitment of healthcare professionals such as Consultants and Business Development Managers to track their customers on a more close and personal.

Awards and Social Responsibility

Yes! Brazil won the Quality Award for five consecutive years, editions from 2002 to 2006, receiving the International Quality Service stamp. Blessed are those companies that stand out in quality control and management with focus on the final result for the consumer. Results are evaluated for the company, employees, partners and particularly customers. The award was created in Italy in 1950 and has versions in 21 other countries. In Brazil, its first edition was in 1977.

In 2005, Yes! also received the Social Ambiental Chico Mendes Award, conferred by the International Social Ambiental Chico Mendes, NGO that works to preserve the ecosystem. The award is given to socially and environmentally responsible companies.

Due to its commitment to social inclusion, Yes! supports the Office Franco Basaglia (IFB), civil nonprofit organization that works in the area of mental health and psychiatric reform in Brazil. The main objective of the Institute is to develop strategic actions to encourage the formulation of public policies that may redeem the rights of citizenship for people with mental disorders.

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Menezes De Matos

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Business type

  • cosmetics

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Icaro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 77********
  • map-marker Cacule / BA | Brazil

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