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Mecan Industria E Locação De Equipamentos Para Construcão

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Since 2008



About Us

MECAN\s history coincides with the construction industry evolution in Brazil, where lifting, vertical hauling and shoring support have become paramount factors in the final composition of construction costs. The company\s long experience now covers and serves both the national and the international markets.

MECAN has been meeting the needs of Brazilian market and culture, and pays special attention to simplicity, to cost compatibility, national technology and safety
Plant in Vespasiano - MG

Consideration of market factors goes hand-in-glove with a philosophy of serious hard work, creating every day a new product, winning a new client, making new friends.

Installed in the city of Vespasiano, in the greater Belo Horizonte metropolitan region, with a 20,000sq.m. constructed area, the company has nine branch offices in the main state capitals plus a network of representatives and distributors throughout Brazil.

In relentlessly pursuing to improve its processes and management models, MECAN has earned the ISO 9001:2000 Seal and participates in Fundação Dom Cabral\\\\s Partners for Excellence Program (PAEX).


ACKOWLEDGED Efficiency and Quality

Following a process of preparation, adjustment and standardizing of equipment production and commercialization methods, MECAN secured its first certification on November 15, 2000, through BVQI do Brasil - Bureau Veritas Quality International.

Accreditation was effectively granted by UKAS and INMETRO, following proof of the company\\\\s system conformity to the ABNT ISO 9002 standard - 1994 Edition .

MECAN thus became the first construction-equipment producer to receive the prestigious ISO 9002 Certificate in Brazil.

Following a pre-set schedule, in September 2004 MECAN received a laudable recommendation in the ISO 9001:2000 standard, issued by the certifying organ BVQI, with UKAS and INMETRO accreditation.

Such a Certification emphasizes the efficacy of the quality standards adopted by MECAN in its ever-improving production processes. Company values include good customer services, which is why MECAN seeks constant enhancement and adjustment to market demands. It cannot afford otherwise but to grow and develop each single day.

"MECAN quality is not a conquest but a commitment."

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Mecan Industria E Locação De Equipamentos Para Construcão

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Business type

  • construction equipment materials

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marinalva ********
  • icone de telefone +55 31********
  • map-marker Vespasiano / MG | Brazil

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