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Madal Palfinger S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Madal Palfinger S.A. is a leading manufacturer of truck-mounted telescopic and knuckle boom cranes for optimized load lifting and handling in Brazil and throughout South America.

Besides offering our customers high-tech equipment meeting the highest safety standards, we also provide world-class after-sales services covering emergency calls, repairs, specs, warranty, equipment handling training as well as prompt replacement of original spare parts. We also develop tailor-made projects to meet both our customers’ needs and the existing NBR 14768 regulation issued by ABNT – Brazilian Association of Technical Standards.

Since 2001, the company has been part of Palfinger AG, a world leader in the manufacture of knuckle boom cranes, hookloaders, tail lifts, timber and recycling cranes, equipment for the railway industry and forklifts.

Being recognized in over 120 countries with over 6.2 thousand sales points on all five continents proves Palfinger to be committed to the highest quality standards, state-of-art technology and to environmental issues.

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Madal Palfinger S.a.

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Business type

  • Madal Palfinger S.A.
  • truck-mounted telescopic
  • knuckle boom cranes
  • load lifting
  • load handling

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Ismael ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker CAXIAS DO SUL / RS | Brazil

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