JINGWEN Company Ltd. was established in Taiwan in the year of 2008. Our head office is located in Taiwan and our factory are located in ZHONG SHAN CITY and YANG CHUNG CITY, Guang Dong. We are as a full-custom and semi-custom bag manufacturer. Now we are not just a factory, but also a trader. The types of bags produced include cosmetic bags, tote bags, travel bags, backpacks, and all kinds of products that can be matched with bags. In the beginning, it was only an OEM production factory, we were converted to a professional management and production team to provide one-stop service. From development and design, proofing to mass production(material purchase, cutting, sewing, finishing, and packaging with inspection) all stages are strictly controlled. Those processes let us break through the difficulties in the highly competitive international market and continue until now. ""High-quality service, Quick response, Competitive price, and Quality control"" are our business idealism, and Integrity, Sincerity and Harmony are our mission. With a professional management team and production processes to make us have brilliant achievement in the competitive international market. Jing Wen is confident and well prepared to supply you greater products and service. We are looking forward to be your reliable partner soon.