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Ind. E Com. De Tec. Sustentável Para Amazonia Ltda - Poematec

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Since 2011



About Us

The company\s trade name is POEMATEC and its activities began in March 2001 with the construction of the world\s most modern plant, with respect to the production of artifacts from coconut fibers and latex. POEMATEC is also finalizing a sustainable production chain in the state of Para, Brazil, which has its beginnings in the collection of natural resources, through processing, currently taking place in eight processing units of coconut shell, until you reach the final product to be marketed .

The main applications of the materials are seats and benches for the automotive industry, replacing petroleum-based products such as polyurethane foam. High quality combined with a superior and innovative design, comfort, recyclability and biodegradability, make a big difference compared to similar synthetic products.

In company with 50 employees currently work in the productive sectors and 43 people in the administrative area seven people, including administrative and industrial directors, and 38 in production and quality control industry (chemical laboratory).

The factory is equipped with high tech machines, purchased in part of the German FS Fehrer and is installed in an area of 3.100m ² and 16,000 m² of built area.

Currently the factory produces 20 tons per month, reaching 80 tons per month to operate with full capacity in three shifts, generating 120 jobs.The raw material is supplied by eight fiber processing units, all located in Para State and managed by community cooperatives, and by planting a syringe revitalized, located in an area of land reform settlement, generating employment for 500 families in the collection the syringe.

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Ind. E Com. De Tec. Sustentável Para Amazonia Ltda - Poematec

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Business type

  • organic products artifacts from coconut fibers and latex sustainable products

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Oscar ********
  • icone de telefone +55 91********
  • map-marker Ananindeua / PA | Brazil

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