Grow Consulting Group is a private equity company dedicated to providing Human Capital, Management and Strategy services. Headhunting / Recruitment & Selection, Outplacement / Labor Reinsertion, are our most knowledgeability business units. Being by definition avant-garde in its structure and business model; understands the evolution of labor markets on a different horizon than the traditional one, with professionals working in a globalized and atomized way in search of continuous value-added based on know-how with the leverage of innovative tools.
Grow's business model is based on collaborative and synergistic teamwork for project execution, partnering professionals to work collaboratively to get the optimal solution.
Value Hunting; it is the proposal for our clients, working on a chained block model, with the best HRP Partners in different locations capturing global knowledge and skills.
Our internal work format is based on an interconnected fabric, achieving a common team goal, it is not an open network or a social network, but a new business model for our industry.