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Fresal Embalagens Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2009



About Us

Fresal Embalagens started its activities in 1980, as a manufacturer of raffia bags with polypropylene tubular and flat fabrics. As time passed by, Fresal searched for new markets that worked with Polypropylene fabrics, yarns, slings and strapping bands developing new products to attend those markets so the company could innovate and grow.

We are the number one in the field of strapping band and sling in Brazil. We have been in business for 25 years in the field of polypropylene. We manufacture ground cover, lumber cover / lumber wrap, green house fabric, geocloth, monofilament fabric, tubular and flat polypropylene fabric, and big bag / bulk bags fabrics. We currently export all over the world.

VISION: Be recognized as a company that produce solutions and the best in the export of special and different products as Raffia and Multifilament of Plastic Resin.

MISSION: Customer satisfaction with special products and quality services, development agility and competitive bringing on going values to the business.

  • Ethic: Be present in our relations to all publics.

  • HR: The company´s development is on the realization, motivation and qualification of our employeers.

  • Agility: Fast solutions and qualified solutions need structure and simple activities.

  • Technology: On going actualization is required to companies grow in the market.

  • Profitability: Measure of company´s results and ever lasting condition.

    QUALITY: The Fresal Group aims to assure the customers satisfaction and exceed their expectations. The company counts on a Quality Management System (QMS), NBR ISO 9001:2000 certified on December of 2008, after the external audit from Bureau Veritas Certification (BVQI).

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    Fresal Embalagens Ltda

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    Business type

    • bags

    Contact and location
    • icone de usuario Raphael ********
    • icone de telefone +55 51********
    • map-marker Porto Alegre / RS | Brazil

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