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Famastil Ferramentas S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Founded on 1953, Famastil initially produced agricultural tools and hammers. Over the years they started to invest more in quality and with this growth the company has intensified and gained further strength through the development of new products and access to new markets, both national and international. Nowadays, their average production reaches 2 million units a month to over 9000 clients throughout Brazil.
The mix of Famastil has over that 2000 products divided into 13 lines.

- Famastil
- Professional
- Agricultural and Heavy
- Wheelbarrows
- Gardening and irrigation
- Hoses
- Cargo Control
- Hardware and Security
- Holes and Cuts
- Utilities and fixation
- Painting
- Energy
- Famastil F-Power

Famastil is still growing and gaining more space in Brazil and abroad, and innovating in everything it does to deliver even more quality to its customer, showing that is a company that resolves never stop growing.
Their business: tools and utilities to build and resolve.

More about
Famastil Ferramentas S.a.

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Business type

  • famastil
  • tools
  • agricultural tools
  • wheelbarrows
  • gardening
  • painting tools
  • utilities
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Paulo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker Gramado / RS | Brazil

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