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Eletrônica Selenium S.a.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

Selenium was founded in 1958 by the brothers Victor, Henrique, Arno and their friend Carlos. Who was soon replaced by Gaston in the society. The technological edge, which marks the company until today, emerged with the audacious and inedited releases. Only two years after its founding Selenium put on the market its first Tweeter, becoming the brand of this type of transducer for its quality and technical performance.

In the 60"ies, developed the first speaker for residential use, and in the 70"ies the company moved to the city of Nova Santa Rita / RS - Brazil. In the 80"ies has entered the automotive market, prominence quickly, sounding as well large environments, launching a line of professional products. In the 90"ies the company is positioned in the external market, with a subsidiary in the United States - Selusa, with a sales office and logistics in Virginia and a distribution center in California - on the east coast, the Selenium Europe, and an intense operation in Asia, with Selenium China.

The brand has grown strongly in the European, Asia, and also in Oceania markets. The products are exported to more than 70 countries to equip some of the best touring companies, sports stadiums, theaters, cinemas, concert halls, and one of the major automakers like Renault. All this work has been recognized for three consecutive years by PGQP (Gaucho Program Quality and Productivity), one of the most important quality awards in Brazil. In 1998, Selenium received the bronze trophy, in 1999 the silver trophy and in 2000 the gold trophy.

In 2006, Selenium consolidates its sonority as a business major national industries in the sector, including being recognized internationally for processes and products, whose quality and performance allows the competition with major global players - something unthinkable some time ago for national industries in the sector. In June 2010 Selenium was bought by Harman International who changed the Selenium brand to JBL Selenium and added all Selenium products to its portfolio.

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Eletrônica Selenium S.a.

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Business type

  • sound
  • speakers
  • horns
  • loudspeakers
  • selenium
  • drivers
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Gordon ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker NOVA SANTA RITA / RS | Brazil

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