CRAS Madeira is a Brazilian company committed to environmental preservation and sustainable wood management. Its focus is on producing certified wood in a sustainable way, respecting the environment. Here is some relevant information about CRAS Madeira:
Sustainable Products:
CRAS Madeira produces and manufactures high quality products, such as alizares, floors, blocks, rafters, door boxes, decks, garden tiles, granzepes, wainscoting, slats, skirting boards, slats, boards and beams.
They stand out in the market as one of the main exporters in Brazil, working exclusively with tropical woods.
The company uses sustainable management techniques, such as selective logging, to remove only mature trees and non-endangered species.
Wood species include Angelim Pedra, Angelim Vermelho, Cedrinho, Cumaru, Cupiúba, Garapa, Ipê, Itaúba, Jatobá, Maçaramduba, Maparajuba, Muiracatiara, Pequiá, Quarubarana and Quarubatinga.
Commitment to Sustainability:
CRAS Madeira understands that the unbridled exploitation of natural resources can have serious consequences for the environment and communities.
Sustainable management practices are adopted at all stages of wood production, from planting to marketing.
The company maintains legal reserve and permanent preservation areas to contribute to biodiversity and local ecosystems.
Legal and Sustainable Wood:
CRAS Madeira offers customers legal and sustainable wood, with a guarantee of ethical and responsible production.
The products are produced in compliance with environmental standards, ensuring quality and responsibility.