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Casex Ind. De Plásticos E Prod. Médico-Hospitalares

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

With dynamism, technology and innovation Casex guarantees the quality of its products. Investments in technology and personnel are constantly made to offer the best in ostomy and wounds dressing products. The continuous search for improvement and strict raw material selection ensures Casex's quality product.

In 2003, Casex's work was recognized with the ISO 9001/2000 Certificate. To achieve this certification meant that Casex met in all its methods of production management and organization, all the rules necessary to produce products that ensure consumer satisfaction.

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Casex Ind. De Plásticos E Prod. Médico-Hospitalares

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Business type

  • Casex Ind. de Plásticos e Prod. Médico-Hospitalares Ltda.
  • ostomy
  • wounds dressing products

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario REGINA ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker CURITIBA / PA | Brazil

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