Mazzi Caffè produces and markets lots and micro lots of specialty Arabica coffees and we have two brands for the marketing of roasted coffee: A Mazzi Caffè and Café Baroness. The Mazzi Santomauro Family acquired the farm in 1996 and already produced the sweet grains in the fertile soil in Bom Sucesso where Fazenda Mundo Novo is located. Our passion for coffee flavors and aromas were transmitted to the children who are now at the forefront of coffee production. Since 1778 the region of Campo das Vertentes has lived the tradition of farms, planting and coffee harvesting, it is a region of extreme beauty and excellent Terroir with fertile soils and perfect climate for planting some of the best coffees in Brazil. The Farm is developed on the basis of socio-environmental and economic legislation that respects biodiversity and contributes to a better quality of life. We have a conservation work of our springs that go down the mountain, all are fenced to ensure their protection and the safety of the water that arrives supplying our property and the property of our neighbors as well. The Farm borders the Rio das Mortes, and we have the river that surrounds the entire property extolling our entire border with a fauna and flora so rich and exuberant of fish, birds, rare wild animals making the place stunning and protected from predatory action.