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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2018



About Us

Never give up on your dreams! It was with this thought that at the age of 18 and with a great desire to make the difference, Karine Strapazzon founded Arsiè in 2009. A small production of 3 seamstresses, almost an artisanal production located in Guaporé, in Rio Grande do Sul, about 220 km from the capital Porto Alegre.
Arsiè was founded with the objective of producing products that could go beyond enchanting and seducing the imagination of its customers. In a short time, the company stood out in the lingerie market for the quality of its products and innovation. The production was increasing and the company headquarters was already small for that girl's dreams. In 2012, the company moved to its current headquarters, thus increasing its production capacity and also its mix of products.
In 2015, Arsiè began to work in the beachwear market with a small collection. Nowadays, they are prominent products in the national market, carefully selected models and materials make the products unmistakable. In the year of 2017, the company started to produce jeans. It were months of research and testings to get us to the market with a product that would meet the needs of the modern women.
More than 500 products are launched annually among lingerie, beachwear and jeans. The brand that has consolidated itself in the fashion market is known for the variety of products and for the unmistakable quality.

Main Markets

  • North America
  • South America
  • Western Europe

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • arsie
  • lingerie
  • bra
  • panties
  • soutien
  • beachwear
  • swimwear
  • jeans
  • denim
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Gabriela ********
  • icone de telefone +55 54********
  • map-marker Guaporé / RS | Brazil

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