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Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2015



About Us

We are a group of companies operating in the agro business and always values ​​the quality of their products with respect to the environment and social issues. We are located in the municipality of Angatuba in the state São Paulo, where we have farms planted with sugarcane for the production of rum and cattle for slaughter.Our production process is integrated and incorporates an almost closed production cycle, which began with the planting of sugarcane with the use of natural and organic, without using any chemical fertilizers. Harvesting sugar cane regards the most suitable process for the production of rum and is not effected burning to preserve quality in the manufacturing process of cachaça. With that, the leftover ends of the cane are used in animal feed, along with the leftover bagasse generated in the sugar cane milling process to obtain the syrup. The farm has a beef feedlot manure whose generation provides raw material for the production of fertilizers organic which are then used to fertilize the cane field. In the manufacture of rum, we use a significant amount of water that goes through a process of reuse, besides counting on capturing rainwater to reduce use of new water. Furthermore, the water that goes through the process and results in hot water is re-used to feed the boiler which increases the efficiency of heat generation, reducing the consumption of the heating process sugarcane bagasse, left over food to oxen confinement. cachaça fermentation process, we use stainless steel vats, to eliminate any possibility of contamination, and do not use any additive in the preparation of yeast nor any acceleration process of fermentation. This whole process is based on dilute sugar syrup without adding any component except drinking water.Absolute control of our process begins in the planting of sugar cane and extends to the aging of rum, always with all the care necessary to maintain the highest level of quality at all stages. />

Main Markets

  • Eastern Europe
  • North America
  • South America
  • Western Europe

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • agro business
  • quality fo products
  • production of rum and cattle
  • production process is integrated and incorporates

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Joao ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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