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Ab Foods Industrial E.comercial De Alimentos Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

SOHOVOS started its activities in 1975, it’s had a decade of strong economy growth and increase per capita income, as well.

Pioneering in the egg products production on wide scale, its implantation was stimulated by the arrival of several new international food industries in Brazil, attracted by the market growth at that time and by the strong development obtained by the multinationals which for many years have already been established in the country.

Operating basically with derivatives of eggs, raw material that handled “in natura” brings terrible headaches for food industries, its entrance on the market solved problems such as: peels residues, complicated purchase system, high perishability, surplus of yolks or white of eggs, etc. Through the supplying of white of eggs, yolks and hole egg pasteurized in suitable packing, with “shelf-life”defined, and with safe and punctual supplying, that was, for the foreign companies the local adaptation to the “stands” of quality demanded by the head offices, quickly became a good news to the medium and small national industries that adopted without hesitating its utilization. It is easy to imagine the example of the local panettones´ manufacturers that have their concentrated sales on Christmas time who, instead of breaking manually the eggs, separate the white of it without usage and only use the yolks, now they could get the yolks, with microbiological, physicochemical and organoleptic warranties and ready for immediate utilization. Like panettones, the cakes, doughs, sweets and all the local manufacturers of food who use eggs became potential client.

During these years, there were several transformations on the market and in SOHOVOS.

From the initial sale of yolks and pasteurized liquid white of egg, iced and frozen, the company started to produce specific formulations eliminating stages in the clients\ lines. They were developed mixtures full of yolks or white of eggs, salt , sugar, malt dextrin, glucose addition and other raw materials.

At the beginning there was only a standard packing of 18 kg in returnable plastic pails, later on were implanted “one way” bags from 1,2 KG To 9 KG, carts , bulk transportation with up to 27 tons and boxes of 1 ton among others.

Today the company owns 6 own tankers besides the rented ones which deliver ready products for great consumers all over Brazil and Argentina Republic.

With monthly production of 2.000 tons of liquid eggs ( 36 million of broken eggs) SOHOVOS is leader on the internal market acting in the nourishment areas (mayonnaise, doughs, sweets, cookies, cakes, marshmallow,etc), cosmetic, pharmaceutical and of nourishment supplements, besides having strong participation on the export market taking the opportunity to get Brazil’s undeniable Competitiveness on the international agribusiness.

Always tuned into the needs of the local and of the foreign clients, in 1994 the company started the operation of powdered egg with an own “SPRAY DRYING”. The powdered egg that was manufactured by SOHOVOS , starting from pasteurized liquid egg in spray dryers with was used for dehydrated milk, started to be done in the first spray dryer specific for drying powdered egg of the country.

This equipment APV with extraction capability of 750KG of evaporated water per hour, it has an indirect heating system and what leave us with a high quality and healthier products, completely free of soot contamination, nitrites and other residues more and more convicted by the modern conceptions of quality and health prevention.

The line of powdered normal products (Yolk, White , Hole egg), the company has developed countless products which improve the quality and practicability for the clients.

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Ab Foods Industrial E.comercial De Alimentos Ltda.

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Business type

  • sohovos
  • egg products
  • food industry
  • derivatives of eggs
  • white eggs
  • yolks
  • hole egg pasteurized
  • pasteurized liquid egg
  • SOHOVOS - Yolk
  • White and Hole Eggs
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Valeska ********
  • icone de telefone +55 15********
  • map-marker SOROCABA / SP | Brazil

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