Legendaria Industry's story begins in 1945 when its founders, from Sao Mateus do Sul-PR, move to Lapa-PR and set up the first industry to guarantee the family's livelihood. The passion for yerba mate and chimarrao (yerba mate tea) from the people involved in the business led the recipe to be refined to satisfy its rigorous palates. This was due to the raw material selection criterion, which uses yerba mate from the best herbs in the region of Sao Mateus do Sul. The unique flavor is explained by the environment and shading, composed mainly of araucarias, which the herbs are exposed to. . And also, in shape and preparation, which makes the best of yerba mate. As a consequence of this, we have the Legendary Yerba Mate, known for its unique flavor and indisputable quality. Currently, the revenue is preserved as a secret by the company.
Out of curiosity, the name Legendaria came from the nickname of the city of Lapa: "The Legendary City", well known for its stories and legends told by tropeiros and combatants who had some kind of connection with the municipality.
In recent years, the company has had its management reformulated and relaunched other products. We currently sell Yerba Mate Legendaria (1kg and 500g), Yerba Mate Veterana (1kg), Yerba Mate Tea (toasted) and Yerba Mate (commodity) in bags.