YERBALATINA GROUP discovers, develops, manufactures, and markets leading new generation of Phytocomplex concentrated products. In twenty years of experience in the Brazilian flora biodiversity and science applied on special sources. Our scientists and experts are strongly committed in a high efficient biotechnology as a way of synergy to create unique solutions and opportunities. <br><br>Our products include the following:<br><br>CONCENTRATED PHYTOCOMPLEX DRY 100\% <br> CATUABA pure extract: Trichilia catigua A. Juss <br> CAT\S CLAW pure extract: Uncaria Tomentosa <br> GUARANÁ pure extract: 10\% Paullinia cupana Kunth <br> JURUBEBA pure extract: Solanum paniculatum Linné <br> LEITEIRO pure extract: Peschiera fuchsiaefolia (A.DC) Miers <br> PAU D´ARCO pure extract: Tabebuia avellanedae Lor. Ex. Grieseb <br> SUMA pure extract: Pfaffia Glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen <br> YERBA MATÉ 500 DRY Phytocomplex: Ilex paraguariensis Saint Hilaire <br> <br>PHYTOCOMPLEX EXTRACTS DRY 7 - 80\% <br> ACEROLA 100 Dry Phytocomplex: Malpighia glabra Linné <br> AÇAI 100 Dry Phytocomplex: Euterpe oleracea Mart <br> AÇAI 4:1: Euterpe oleracea Mart <br> AGARICUS 1:1: Agaricus blazei Murril. <br> CAMU CAMU 3\% NAT Vit. C: Myrciaria dubia (hbk) Mc Vaugh <br> CATUABA 4:1: Trichilia catigua A.Juss <br> CAT\S CLAW 4:1: Uncaria Tomentosa <br> CHAPÉU DE COURO 4:1: Echinodorus macrophylus Kunth <br> CHÁ DE BUGRE 4:1: Cordia salicifolia Cham. <br> CHÁ DE BUGRE 10:1: Cordia salicifolia Cham. <br> CHÁ DE BUGRE 20:1: Cordia salicifolia Cham. <br> ESPINHEIRA SANTA 4:1: Maytenus ilicifolia Martius <br> GUARANÁ 5\% Nat Caffeine: Paulínia cubana Kunth <br> GRAVIOLA 4:1: Annona muricata Linné <br> INSULINA VEGETAL 4:1: Cissus Sicyoides Linné <br> JURUBEBA 4:1: Solanum paniculatum Linné <br> MARACUJÁ 4:1 (Passion flower): Passiflora sp <br> MUIRAPUAMA 4:1: Ptychopetalum olacoides Bentham <br> MUIRAPUAMA 12:1: Ptychopetalum olacoides Bentham <br> PAU D´ARCO 4:1: Tabebuia Avellanedae Lor. Ex Grieseb <br> PAU D´ARCO 8:1: Tabebuia Avellanedae Lor. Ex Grieseb <br> PEDRA HUME CAA 4:1: Myrcia multiflora D.C <br> QUASSIA 4:1: Picrasma excelsa (Swartz) Planchon <br> QUEBRA PEDRA 4:1 (Cancha piedra) : Phyllanthus tenellus Roxb. <br> STEVIA 4:1: Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni <br> STEVIA 8:1: Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni <br> SUMA 4:1: Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen <br> YACON 100 Dry Phytocomplex Polymnia sanchifolia (Poeo & Endich.) <br> <br>STANDARDIZED EXTRACTS <br> ACEROLA 10\% Vit.C Malpighia globra Linné <br> ACEROLA 17\% Vit.C Malpighia globra Linné <br> ACEROLA 25\% Vit.C Malpighia globra Linné <br> CAMU CAMU 10\% Vit.C Myrciaria dubia (HBK) Mc Vaugh <br> CAMU CAMU 20\% Vit.C Myrciaria dubia (HBK) Mc Vaugh <br> GUARANÁ 10\% Caffeine Paullinia cupana Kunth <br> GUARANÁ 22\% Caffeine Paullinia cupana Kunth <br> PRÓPOLIS 30\% Apis melifera Linné <br> YERBA MATE 8\% caffeine Ilex paguariensis Saint Hilaire <br> <br>PHYTOCOMPLEX LIQUID EXTRACTS <br> AÇAÍ LIQUID EXTRACT Euterpe oleracea Mart <br><br>FRUITS E VEGETABLES (SPRAY DRIED) POWDER<br> BANANA SPRAY DRIED POWDER: Musa sinensis Linné <br> PAPAYA SPRAY DRIED POWDER: Carica papaya Linné <br> MANGO SPRAY DRIED POWDER: Mangifera indica Linné <br> GUAVA SPRAY DRIED POWDER: Psidium guajava Linné <br> PASSION FRUIT SPRAY DRIED POWDER: Passiflora sp <br> TOMATO SPRAY DRIED POWDER: Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. <br> <br>HERB MIX IN LIQUID EXTRACT <br> Mental Acuity & Stimulating: Ilex paguariensis Saint Hilaire, Paullinia cubana Kunth, Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen <br> Tropical Fruits: Theodroma grandiflorum (wild. Ex.Spreng) Schum, Myrciaria dubia (Kunth) Mc Vaugh<br> Libido: Ilex paguariensis Saint Hilaire, Paullinia cubana Kunth, Ptychopetalum olacoides Bentham, Trichilia catigua A. Juss <br> Relaxing: Erythrina mulungu Martius, Matricaria chamomilla Linne, Passiflora sp <br> Sobriety: Baccharis sp, Citrus aurantium Linne, Picrasma excelsa (Swartz), Planchon <br><br>For more information about our products and their specifications,click here.<br>
- Phytocomplex Concentrated Products (Biotechnology)
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More about
2M - 10M
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Business type
- Ingredients for Food
- Beverage
- Cosmetic and Natural medicines.
Contact and location
Juliana ********
+55 41********
Colombo / PA | Brazil