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VIP Mudanças

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Since 2024



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Furniture Locker and Self Storage


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VIP Mudanças provides its customers with a storage system for furniture, works of art, housewares, office archives, etc.
In warehouses in the state of São Paulo, goods are packed in ventilated, sealed boxes.
The items to be stored can be packed and transported by us to and from any location in Brazil.
Redecorating the house or office, getting a new sofa or not resisting an amazing promotion can become a problem with lack of space. That's why we offer a specific solution for those who need to store furniture. They can be heirlooms, pieces purchased for the home, stores still under construction, or leftovers from a move. Everything can be safely stored in our boxes.

Papers, papers and more papers! The advancement of technology may have reduced the use of paper, but it seems far from eliminating it. But where to store so many documents? Vip Mudanças solves this issue with the document locker, a storage solution for those who have a lot of paperwork to file. A secure, private and air-conditioned space to store archives, books, contracts and any important documents.

Some objects of sporadic or very large use are obstacles to keep at home or in the office. Thus, you can rent a box to store all of them, as long as they are not dangerous, flammable, perishable or alive. Store tools, sporting goods, machinery, and other items that don't fall into the furniture or document categories, but also need a clean, accessible, bright, and safe space to store.

For shopkeepers and business owners who need more space, our inventory solution is ideal. A safe, clean environment with controlled access to expand your store or office. Whether to expand the inventory of goods or conquer the first physical space of that startup idea, this way we boost entrepreneurship by enabling the growth and development of businesses of all sizes.

  • Mobile Storage
  • Furniture Storage
  • Self Storage
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VIP Mudanças

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100K - 200K

Sales volume (USD)

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Business type
  • Business Service
  • Other

  • Residential Moves
  • Office Moves
  • Staff Transfer
  • Furniture Storage
  • Self Storage
  • Internal Removal
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Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Weverton ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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