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Tropical Woods International Ltda.

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2012



About Us

TROPICAL WOODS INTERNATIONAL is a family owned Corporation founded in Brazil in 1992 with the vast experience in International Trading for three generations, which started in 1911 in Hamburg, Germany and always closely linked with Brazil through the family business in coffee, cocoa and spice activities.

TWI is a registered Trade Name being used for the exports of its products in lumber and plywood.

TWI maintains a leading position as an independent Trader and Mill Representative for Brazilian Forest Products and was Pioneer in introducing several new products into the world market, such as Rotary Cut tropical and loblolly (Pine) veneers and Brazilian tropical lumber to South Korea in 1992, developing Rotary Cut tropical Veneers to the US-market in 1993 and in 2000 also have been Pioneers in introducing structurally certified (BFU100 + TECO) Brazilian Pine plywood to the US-market for the at that time booming housing construction reaching shipments of 100,000m3 per month, which has permanently changed the marketing concept for all South Brazilian Pine Plywood mills now enabling to supply to more than 50 countries. In 1997 TWI developed TWIN PLYWOOD with Eucalyptus Core Veneers mainly for the truck flooring and upholstery industries.

TWI marketing concept is based on providing TRUE OPTIONS to major consuming countries with professional services, market reports for each product line in Tropical Lumber, plywood and Pine Products as well as regular Economics Reports pointing towards changes in the Brazilian Central Bank and its economical and monetary influences for the world markets. The financial and fast purchasing decision in order to take advantage of momentary buying opportunities. TWI is proud to constantly contribute with precise and professional information.

TWI guarantees the correct execution of contracts independently of the product or volume and is specialized in supplying regular long term demands for outlet markets, construction projects and architectural requirements.

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Tropical Woods International Ltda.

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Importer / Trading Company
  • Representative / Agent
  • Distributor / Wholesaler
  • Business Service

  • Trading
  • coffee
  • cocoa
  • spice activities
  • lumber
  • plywood
  • Pine Plywood
  • Eucalyptus
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Marcio ********
  • icone de telefone +55 91********
  • map-marker Belém / PA | Brazil

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