Top Eggs is a pioneering project in egg production in Brazil. Top Eggs has been certified by cerfified humane certifiator. The chickens are raised in Cage-free system, cage-free, and Hillbilly. The company has a bird breeding center and five production centers, with a capacity to produce up to 600,000 eggs per life. This system is already an adaptation to UN standards that will require the production of eggs in a more natural way, with birds free of cages and excesses of chemicals in medicines and feed from 2021. International companies have already announced that in European territory they do not offer products outside the animal welfare policy, and in Brazil from 2025.
In Brazil, the initiative is being implemented in a pioneering way by Granja Refen, in Cascavel the Farm inaugurated a warehouse for egg distribution with accreditation of SISBI - Brazilian System of Inspection of Products of Animal Origin. The Certificate is from the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (MAPA) and City Hall with SISI, which allows the commercialization of production in all national territory. The property belongs to the Festugato Family, whose owns an area of 1200 hectares, of which 700 are reforestation. The projection is to further adapt the area of aviaries to reach 600,000 birds of posture. In addition to the Refen Farm and the warehouse, the development has its own feed factory.
The warehouse for egg distribution, is with state-of-the-art equipment, fully automated, the enterprise is already able to put production in supermarkets throughout Brazil. They are antibiotic-free eggs free of animal by-products in your feed. The chickens live in a safe environment of predators and free can circulate through the sheds and express their characteristics of sociability reducing stress. Living quietly well fed, we can safely say that in our farm the energy of the environment of living birds is very good.
Farm Top Eggs "the quiet of the chicken".
- egg
- eggs
- cage free
- hillbilly
- egg
- eggs
- free range
- cage-free
- chicken
Production Capacity:
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Top Eggs
2M - 10M
Sales volume (USD)
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Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- egg
- eggs
- cage free
- hillbilly
- egg
- eggs
- free range
- cage-free
- chicken Ver Mais
Contact and location
Pedro ********
+55 45********
Cascavel / PR | Brazil