TMS bags factory is engaged in a leather goods design, production and sales of three as one economic entity manufacturers. Production headquarters is located in "China's leather capital" Shiling Town, Huadu District, Guangzhou City.
Our main products include: Europe/Japan/South Korea style backpack, College bags, leisure bags, storage bags, cosmetic bags, traveling bags, mountaineering bags, shopping bags, wallets, advertising gifts and other packages. The materials include: PU, PVC, nylon cloth, Oxford cloth, and other kinds of new trends bags and leather materials. In addition, our factory can undertake export enterprises or trading companies OEM, ODM services, and to comply with your request for a special design to provide stamping, printed ads, the installation of metal ornaments, metal nameplate, and other special services.
Since 2008 we has been adhering to the "most exquisite craftsmanship and quality, the most reasonable price, the most punctual delivery" to create maximum value for every customer. Production quality and comprehensive cost-effective by the majority of customers over the years obtain praise and recognition; nowadays the products are exported to Southeast Asia, Europe and America, Japan and South Korea and other countries!
"TMS " provides customers with a good service and the spirit of dedication for a long time. Today, "TMS" provides you better quality products with more efforts; we sincerely hope to cooperate wholeheartedly with you!