Tape used in the manufacture of seat belts on high, mountaineering equipment, construction, parachuting and other related activities.
- Seatbelt
- high security
- lanyards
- equipment
- mountaineering
- civil costruction
Production Capacity:
Not informed
Delivery Timeframe:
Depends on Size of Order
Not informedPackaging Details:
De acordo com a necessidade do cliente, contudo, usualmente, embalamos em sacos plásticos transparentes, 5 rolos de 50mts (com uma emenda), empilhamos em um pallet e envolvemos a mercadoria embalado com um filme plástico para maior proteção.
As customer preference, they are usually rolls of 50 mts (with an amendment) packed in transparent plastic bags, stacked on pallets and wrapped and bound together by a plastic film for product protection.
More about
Tecelagem de Fitas Anhanguera Ltda.
1M - 2M
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- ribbon
- taper
- rigid robbons
- militar
- individual protection equipment
- babe security
- slackline
- mountain climbing
- bags Ver Mais
Contact and location
Rodrigo Margenti Galdão
+55 11 xxxxxxxx
São Paulo / SP | Brazil