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Transgenic soybean was developed through genetic improvement and biotechnology techniques. The first transgenic soybean was developed to present tolerance to the herbicide glyphosate, and its planting started in the United States in 1996.

Brazilian soybeans are very important in the agricultural economy. The country is the second largest producer of the grain, behind only the United States. Soy is used as a raw material for animal feed, from cattle to dogs and cats. In addition, it is present in numerous products that we consume.

Currently, Brazil is the second largest soybean producer in the world. The forecast for the 2019/2020 crop is about 121 million tons. Of this amount, approximately 115 million tons of soybeanproduced is transgenic, according to the Soy Free Institute. Soybeans are a widely grown plant all over the world and as much as you don't see the grain of this vegetable in your day-to-day life, you may believe that somehow it is present in your feed.

That's because more than 90% of soybeans are processed by different industries that turn that grain into different products and that are delivered to us consumers. Soy is very present in the kitchen, not only as oil, milk and vegetable protein, but also in animal meat, since it is used as feed for cattle, pork and poultry.

In addition, soybeans are also used in the production of biofuels. The vegetable oil of this grain can be processed and give rise to biodiesel, a source of clean and renewable energy that has been increasingly used as an energy matrix of heavy cars such as trucks, trucks, buses and others.

Soybean is well known to be used in the production of vegetable oil, but there are several other products derived from this crop. Among the main ones are:

Grains: Soybean has no starch and has a high nutritional value when compared to other grains. Protein, for example, represents 35 to 38% of the grain. Like other grains such as beans, soybeans should not be consumed raw because it presents anti-nutritional compounds that are inactivated with heat.
Soybean oil: Obtained through the industrial extraction of the oil present in the grains and passed through several steps to obtain a refined oil. Used in food preparation, production of margarines, mayonnaises, biodiesel, among others.
Soybean milk: Protein extract extracted from grains through different processes. It has only 2% fats and its composition is basically water. It is used for the manufacture of beverages.
Soybean flour: Flour obtained by grinding soybean scum after being subjected to heat treatment. It has a high protein content that can vary between 35 and 40%.
Soybean protein: Or soy meat, is produced from soybean flour after the removal of fats through the process known as thermoplastic extrusion. It has a high protein content, which represents more than 50% of its total.
Tofu: Or soy cheese is a cheese of oriental cuisine produced from soy milk.

  • Soy

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