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Survival Languages & Translations

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Since 2008



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Translation Services


Member of AMCHAM since 1996.


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Survival Translations is a company which specializes in simple and sworn translation & version. We have our own exclusive department for translation and versions in several languages, in order to meet the numerous needs of our clients, either corporate or not. <br><br>FOCUS ON SEVERAL AREAS:<br>Technical, commercial, scientific, foreign trade, financial, pharmaceutical, medical, chemical, legal & corporate, intellectual property, telecommunication, marketing, information, IT, petroleum, power and gas, among others. <br><br>CERTIFICATES:<br>School records, diploma, thesis and monograph. <br><br>PERSONAL DOCUMENTS:<br>Birth, marriage, death certificates, driver’s license, vaccination card, passport, résumé, etc. <br><br>LANGUAGES:<br>German, Spanish, French, Dutch, English, Italian, and Portuguese, among others. <br><br>Hints: The sworn translation may not be charged by word, but by lauda printed on the sworn translator’s official paper. <br><br>Ensured Confidentiality: Survival Languages & Translations ensures the total secrecy of the documentation sent by its clients, and it enters into a confidentiality contract with all those involved in the process from the beginning through the end of the translation or version. <br><br>Editing and Formatting: Survival Languages & Translations with its professional team is able to produce any sort of publication: folders, cases, magazines, newspapers, books, theses, package leaflets, catalogues, manuals, websites etc., from the initial creation process including editing and treatment of images with state-of-the-art software. <br><br>Hints: We cover urgent works – great amounts in a very short amount of time. We do not charge any urgency fee. <br><br>Documents receipt and delivery: The documents can be delivered by: <br> paper copy, fax, mail, courier, among others. <br> e-mail; <br> accessing our ftp (get a passport with our business department); <br> diverse media (Iomega Zip, Jaz, CD, CDR-W, DVD or simply diskettes). <br> PC format files and media.

  • translation services

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Survival Languages & Translations

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  • languages translation

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  • icone de usuario Jaqueline ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Barueri / SP | Brazil

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