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Souza Junior Auditoria Consultoria E Contabilidade

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Since 2008



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Accounting And Audit Services


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We provide accounting, audit and bookkeeping services to public and private companies as follows:<br><br><br> Complete Audits: A complete examination of all financials of the company, conducted with independence.<br><br> Limited Audits: A parcial examination of company finacials or specific accounts, as requested b ythe client.<br><br> Audit of Management Operations: An examination of the operational routines of the client to evaluate the effectiveness of enterprise management. The goal is to contain costs without compromising the quality of information and controls<br><br> Vluation of Companies: Valuation of the price of stocks or companies using advanced applied techniques in according to the particular circumstances. This is requeste din situations of mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and share purchases.<br><br> Acquisition Audit: Review of financial statements of a company to be acquired as part of dur diligence, including review of fiscal policies / procedures, review of historical (generally 5 years) of tax practices, treatments and payments.<br><br> Evaluation of Internal Control Systems: Evaluation of systems where we employ a method of identifying weak points and recommendations for improvement of internal controls as well as administration and operational procedures.<br><br> Financial Statements and Explanitory Notes: Assistance and/or preparation of financial statements for publication, preparation of reports for shareholders and bankers, and other information as required by law. the product can be provided in Portuguese, English, or Spanish.

  • audit
  • accounting
  • financial

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Souza Junior Auditoria Consultoria E Contabilidade

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Business type
  • Business Service

  • accounting tax bookeeping audit

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Otto ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Sao Paulo / SP | Brazil

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