AIVD Biotech utilized its lateral flow and molecular diagnostic platforms to develop a quick and affordable test for Virus.
Point of care (POC) rapid tests are critical tools in dealing with rapidly evolving and large-scale outbreaks that place huge pressures on healthcare systems. AIVD's IgG/IgM Lateral Flow POCT is both sensitive and specific, with a quick turnaround time.
OEM IgM/IgG Rapid Kit can specifically detect IgM and IgG antibodies of a novel virus, covering the
entire course of infection and recovery period of patients. This approach improves the overall
diagnosis in both acute and recovery phases of illness.
Basic Protocol
1. Remove the test specimen, required reagents from storage conditions, and equilibrate to
room temperature.
2. Unpack the aluminum foil bag, place the test horizontally on the table and number it.
3. Add 10ul serum, plasma or whole blood sample to the sample well with a pipette or a
dropper. Slowly add 2 drops of sample dilution (about 60uL) to the sample well.
4. Read the results within 10-15 minutes after adding the sample, and the results will be
invalid after 30 minutes.
- ivd
- rapid test
- raw materials
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Depends on Size of Order
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More about
Shenzhen Aivd Biotechnology Co., LTD.
2M - 10M
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- ivd
- rapid test
- raw materials
Contact and location
Shawn ********
+86 1********
Shenzhen / Guangdong | China