We manufacture and commercialize insecticides as follows:<br><br> COLT® GEL: Insecticide of residual action which inhibits the ATP formation in the metabolic system leading them to paralysis and death, indicated for the control of cockroaches.<br><br> CYPEREX® 125/250 CE: Emulsionable concentrated insecticide of dislodgeable action, with residual effect, indicated for the control of cockroaches, fleas, moths, termites, mosquitoes and other insects. <br><br> CYPEREX® 2PS: Insecticide, for the use of specialized entities for the control of insects: cockroaches, fleas and ants. It can be applied in residences, buildings, commercial and industrial buildings, warehouses, restaurants, bakeries, schools, hospitals, transports, etc…<br><br> CYPEREX® 400PM: CYPEREX 400 PM is a pyrethroid insecticide with a high residual effect for public health campaigns and professional use for the control of mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches, moths, fleas, ants, spiders and scorpions.<br> <br> DDVP 1000 CE ®: Emulsionable concentrated insecticide of sudden action indicated for the control of cockroaches, flies, moths, fleas, etc.<br><br> DELTEK ® 2,5 ME: Insecticide of residual action, indicated for the control of cockroaches, mosquitoes, flies, scorpions, spiders and other insects.<br><br> FORMITEK ®: Insecticide of residual action indicated for the control of ants.<br><br> MALAGAMA ® 500 CE: Emulsionable concentrated insecticide of residual action. Ideal for the control of moths, cockroaches, mosquitoes, fleas and others.<br><br> MALATHION ® 20 CE: Emulsionable concentrated insecticide of residual action. Indicated for the control of cockroaches, moths, mosquitoes, fleas and others.<br><br> REPELLENT FOR PIGEONS: Gel with sticky characteristics indicated for the application in linings and walls, where bats, pigeons and birds in general are found.<br><br> SHOOT: SHOOT is a pyrethroid photolable insecticide. It degradates in the presence of light, not leaving residues on a treated environment. It presents excellent shock effect and high dislodgeable power. <br><br>To access our online catalog to view all of our insecticide products and their specifications, click here.
- insecticides cypermethrin
- deltamethrin and ddvp
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Business type
- domestic insecticides
- professional larvicides and rodenticides
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Alvaro ********
+55 12********
Pindamonhangaba / SP | Brazil