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Rafitthy Bolsas E Acessorios Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

Acting in the segment of women\s handbags, purses and accessories, Rafitthy is located in the city of Campo Bom - RS, a highly-industrialized region and in the leather sector. Our installations have a large structure of 16 thousand square meters, permitting the most agility and organization of the production process.

Preoccupied in having our consumers satisfied, Rafitthy is always searching for novelties in global fashion. Following the fashion tendencies, Rafetthy offers diverse product lines with materials and prices differentiated, using fine leather and alternative elements, aggregating sophistication, practicality and quality of products.

To accompany the evolution of the biggest and best manufacturers worldwide, Rafetthy invests in relevant technologies. We work with the "LECTRA" system of production, composed of a table with automatic cutting, modeled after CAD/CAN and generating cuts of the latest generation. This system makes possible to fully utilize materials, optimize the hand-made work and proportionate the best quality and agility in delivering the final product.

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Rafitthy Bolsas E Acessorios Ltda

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Business type

  • handbags purses

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Gustavo ********
  • icone de telefone +55 51********
  • map-marker Campo Bom / RS | Brazil

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