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Play Park Ind E Com Brinquedos

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2008



About Us

The story of PLAY PARK is fairly recent. Established in 2000 in the town of Leme, interior of Sao Paulo, we were born with great influence in the market for inflatable toys, mainly because we state as the primary goal the highest quality of our products, manufacturing them with the best raw material.

Another concern of PLAY PARK is the safety offered by our toys to users, such that each project is studied carefully, also seeking the ultimate in comfort and fun.

More about
Play Park Ind E Com Brinquedos

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Business type

  • inflatable toys games

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Luis ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker Leme / SP | Brazil

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