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Pipi Dollys Ltda

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2010



About Us

PipiDolly\s Ltda is a successful company that develops innovative products for pet hygiene.

The company was created based on the difficulties of its owner, Christiane Campello Costa, to find a practical and hygienic solution so that her dog – Dolly Poppy – could pee and poo inside the apartment without creating any trouble. The success of her invention made the entrepreneur start selling the product.

Among the products developed by PipiDolly\s is the toilet for pets that was named after the company itself: PipiDolly\s. This product is already used in many households in Brazil, and has proven to be a product with excellent quality and practicality. The products were gradually enhanced and adapted to particular situations; nowadays, they meet the needs of their target audience with quality and accuracy.

PipiDolly\s results from a real need and inventiveness of people who really value and care for their pets.

Main Markets

  • North America

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Pipi Dollys Ltda

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • BDB toilet for pets mats pipidollys pipi dollys

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario CHRISTIANE ********
  • icone de telefone +1 214********
  • map-marker Porto Alegre / RS | Brazil

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