Your packaging supplier has no technical capacity for barrier Eficiência in the
filmes Laminated for quality assurance in each SKU, with process normalization?
Does your packaging provider not maintain its quality standards in each SKU normalization process?
You need a flexible packaging supplier with "product mix" for adjustments,
Process normalization, color standard, SKU control, ABNT tipografia standards, etc...?
Need gauging for Definição of primary and secondary color densities
To maintain the identity pattern of the ICC and Gamut Extended brand and profile?
Need digital proofs of color or substrate proof, with even perfil ICC printers?
Need to control digital color proofs with even ICC perfil on printers?
Need recording of "sleeve" shirt flexo eliminating the step seam with fitting memorize on high performance flexo plates U-HD flexo + Fullflatdot?
Need flexo plate recording, with high performance U-HD Flexo + FullFlatDot?
In the packaging area, after filling your products, there is plenty of empty space?
Advice for cost survey of recording matrices (cliché/shirt/rotogravure)?
Consulting in COMEX, for purchases of equipment, supplies and raw material?
Advice for purchasing equipment for prepress, in the implementation of a DTP-P & D?
Advice for buying flexíveis and filmes laminated packaging for production of your products?
Advice for optimizations of primary and secondary packaging?
Need follow-up on "briefing" production for packaging SKU approvals?
Need "finger-printers" in the SKU of the packaging for color and gráficos standardization?
Need "preflight"-"check-LISL" in the SKU of the packaging for color and gráficos standardization?
The design of the packaging does not have the same characteristics and visual aspects of color and gráficos?
Your packaging, product SKU are not identical with impressions?
Need adjustments in the finais arts for modeling in technical filme or bag?
Need art final/design for new packaging SKU products?
Consulting in COMEX, for purchases of equipment, supplies and raw material?
Our professionalism can achieve and ensure good results of costs and benefits..... Contact us!!!
- Packaging Design
- Clicheria
More about
Perina - Consulting for Packaging
100K - 200K
Sales volume (USD)
% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Representative / Agent
- Business Service
- Plastic Films
Contact and location
Ricardo ********
+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil