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Oxcam Tecnologia

Unverified company Unverified company

Since 2020



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Access Control


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NR10 NR35 NR18 NR06

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Due to the need for improvements in security for companies and for users themselves, Oxcam, a company specialized in monitoring and imaging solutions, performs from the project to the implementation of access control systems so that only registered and authorized people access controlled locations of restricted access.
• Digital Biometrics: One of the most used systems in recent times due to its security, it uses the user's fingerprint to perform the access request, comparing it immediately with the prints registered in a database.
• RFID: "Radio-Frequency IDentification" is a method of automatic identification by means of radio signals, recovering and storing data remotely through devices called RFID tags, responsible for releasing access locks.
• Facial Recognition: Able to identify or verify a user exclusively by comparing and analyzing patterns based on the person's facial contours. Facial recognition is mainly used for safety purposes, although there is growing interest in other areas of use. In fact, facial recognition technology has received significant attention for the safety it offers and emerges as an upward trend for years to come.
• Handkey : System that records and stores the three-dimensional shape of the human hand for comparison and identity verification.
• Turnstiles and Turnstiles: Locks to control the entry or exit of a given area. A turnstile and a security tourniquet control access, allowing only one person to pass through their barriers at a time.
• Cancellations: Locking aimed at vehicles in order to control access also by parking lots and garages, which brings as main advantage the reduction of safe posts on site.

  • Cessus Control

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Oxcam Tecnologia

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Business type
  • Business Service

  • Construction Monitoring
  • Electronic Security
  • Infrastructure
  • Network
  • Access Control

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Carla ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker São Paulo / SP | Brazil

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