Original International merged with Original Logistics, bundling up a services and integrated solutions package that adds know-how to import and export operations and to national and international logistics. <br><br>With offices in Vitória - Espírito Santo, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, we provide services in the FUNDAP plan, in the modes for and by order of third parties, dealership and we keep our own operations for the purchasing and sales of imported products.<br><br>Our Advantage: We are the importer and the broker.<br><br>We are faster and more versatile when the topic is international logistics and documentation. Original Logistics has all the necessary structure for import and export documents forms, without the intervention of third parties. <br> <br>We have an integrated network of offices ready to cover your needs. Based in São Paulo, and with branch offices in Santos, Campinas, Rio de Janeiro and Vitória, Original Logistics transports whatever you want, to anywhere in the world, by land, sea or air. <br>
- import and export documents logistics trade
More about
Original Com. Internacional Ltda.
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Business type
- Logistics provides import and export services
Contact and location
Eder ********
+55 11********
São Paulo / SP | Brazil