Nutri YOG Peanut Protein Powder is a health drink for all age groups as it contains proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, Amino Acids, Phytonutrients for daily consumption. It is enriched by Peanut Protein. It is 100 % Plant sourced and cholesterol & lactose , Gluten, Soy, dairy free. This great testing drink is an ideal way to get protein throughout the day.<br />
Peanut protein is high quality Plant Protein, choice of vegan and vegetarians. It contain 9 essential amino acids which our body can not synthesize and required for proper functioning of all physiological process of growth and development of human body.<br />
Nutriyog Peanut Protein Powder is also recommended for preganant & lacting mother as it is a healthy way to maintain their daily nutrition<br />
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Peanut Protein Supports your weight management and fitness goals. It provides building blocks to muscle growth for fitness of body and activates energy releasing metabolism. The digestion and assimilation of peanut protein favors proper health, strength and active immunity in all individuals.<br />
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As per global standard established by WHO for Protein Digestibility Corrected Amino Acid Score(PDCAAS) , A score of PDCAAS 1.0 represents the highest score possible for a quality protein source while The PDCAAS for Peanut protein has been estimated to be about 1.0 and its true digestibility is 94 % which is highest score other grains Soya, Whole Wheat, Maize.
- Peanut Protein Powder
- Peanut Protein
- Vegan Protein Powder
- Gluten free Peanut Protein Powder
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Nutrinity Foundation
100K - 200K
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% Export sales
Business type
- Industry / Manufacturer
- Peanut Flour
- Low Fat Peanut Flour
- Peanut Granules
- Peanut Protein Powder
- Ground-nut Flour
- Chopped Peanut
- Chopped Ground-nut Ver Mais
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Pradeep ********
+91 95********
Junagadh / Gujarat | India