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Ningbo ERE Auto Parts Imp & Exp Co., Ltd

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About Us

A company made of car, van and truck parts to sell in China and overseas markets, but also to help local factories sell their components in the global market, we are a very experienced company with different auto parts very good import and export business, automotive crankshaft, connecting rod, air hose, roll nylon tube, clutch switch, oil switch, lubrication components, expendable lamps, welcome to visit Ningbo, we have our own factory in the urban suburbs, in the city has a warehouse and office Ningbo is a seaport in China. Close to the world-famous port of Beilun, this is the largest container shipping company. You are right to buy automotive parts because we are more productive, efficient and competitive than any other supplier in China, and it only takes us three hours to have all the components ready for ocean transportation. Ningbo Yirui Auto Parts Import and Export Co., Ltd. is affiliated with Ningbo Yirui Electrical and Mechanical Co., Ltd., Ningbo Yirui Electrical and Mechanical Co., Ltd. is the company's independent auto parts exporter, please feel free to select any items on our website, and feel free to contact us if you have any questions. Typically, crankshafts are made of forged steel or cast iron. For high-capacity crankshafts, low-load production vehicles are constructed from ball-ink cast iron iron, which has high strength, F UEL high-efficiency engine trumpet requires a high power-displacement ratio, which has been increased the use of forged crankshafts ... Please select the best crankshaft and linkage you need, and if you would like us to create new crankshafts and linkages for you, please contact us. For high-capacity crankshafts, low-load production vehicles are constructed from ball-ink cast iron iron, which has a high strength, F UEL efficient engine requires a high power-displacement ratio, which has been increased using forged crankshafts ... Please select the best crankshaft and linkage you need, and if you would like us to create new crankshafts and linkages for you, please contact us.

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • Asia
  • Eastern Europe
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • Oceania
  • South America
  • Southwest Asia
  • Western Europe

More about
Ningbo ERE Auto Parts Imp & Exp Co., Ltd

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200K - 500K

Sales volume (USD)

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% Export sales




Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Importer / Trading Company
  • Distributor / Wholesaler

  • Car crankshafts
  • connecting rods
  • air hoses

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Mr ********
  • icone de telefone +86 1********
  • map-marker 宁波市 / 浙江 | China

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