• Management training programs in languages.<br><br>• Mapping needs and skills according to the office to be exercised by the professional company in question.<br><br>• Evaluation of results of specific skills for business.<br><br>• Ensure a solid foundation for professional development and career in the company.<br><br>• Ensure skill levels according to international standards.<br><br>• Select and monitor suppliers to the various international professional communication programs that the company needs, including abroad.<br><br>• Assessment for recruitment and internal promotion of employees and company executives.<br><br>• Assessment to monitor progress.<br><br>• Application of International certifications (TOEIC and TFI).
- training programs
- Mapping needs
- Assessment for recruitment
More about
Netlinguae Treinam. Empres. E Consultoria Ltda.
Not informed
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Business type
- trains professionals
- NetLinguae
- professionals and businessmen
- Professional Communications
- training
Contact and location
José ********
+55 41********
Curitiba / PA | Brazil