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M & R Ltda. - Casas Curitiba

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Since 2012



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Ipanema Project

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FOUNDATION: Composed of screwpiles and grade beams, in the sizes specified in the building plans.<br> <br>WALLS/ STRUCTURE: Composed of pre-molded reinforced concrete panels 30 mm thick, in modulated sizes according to the project, applied horizontally, between solid 10x10 cm columns of reinforced concrete. The upper portion of the columns has a wood brace with lumber from a reforestation project. Outdoor plates with imitation ( ) exposed brick or ( ) plate wall and inside smooth plastered panels. Height of approximately 2.50m. The siding of the varanda, shed and service area in solid pine or plywood. <br><br>ROOFING: In wood from reforestation project, pre-fabricated roof rafters, with beams, planks, rafters, joists and sill finished in planed timbers, in sizes indicated in the plans. The galvanized sheets, along the dormer will be supplied by the CONTRACTOR. If it is necessary to collect rainwater in gutters, both the material as well as the labor will be supplied by the contractant. Roof tiles will be in Portuguese style in straw colored ceramic. Between the joists and the rafters thermal insulation with an aluminum face will be placed over the space corresponding to the house. The wood used from reforestation projects may be composed of joined pieces (Finger System) glued in mechanical presses. <br><br>BAY WINDOW: When found, will be in pressure-treated wood, planed and glued with central sliding window and fixed side windows.<br><br>WATER SUPPLY: 310-liter water tank of dual layer polyethylene of the AMANCO brand. Pipes and fittings (soldered and or with brass bushings), for cold water in PVC, Amanco brand.<br><br>SEWAGE: PVC pipes and fittings with rubber gaskets by the Amanco brand. Installations and sizes of pipes, fittings and accessories in accord with technical norms.<br><br>ELECTRICAL: Copper wire, from the Nambei brand, insulated with fire resistant plastic in gauges as determined by technical norms, protected by thermo-magnetic circuit breakers of the Pial Legrand brand, run vertically and horizontally in flexible conduit running from the terminal boxes. Two-phase breaker box with ground rod. Outlets and switches of the ENERBRÁS LINHA TECPLUS CINZA brand.<br><br>- Kitchen: 3 outlet points, 1 with ground and 1 light point; <br>- Service Area: 1 outlet point and 1 light; <br>- Living room: 2 outlet points (per room), 1 antenna point, (just box, no wiring) and 1 light point.<br>- Rooms: 2 outlet points, 1 light points;<br>- Bathrooms: 1 outlet point alongside sink, 1 point for shower with ground (220 V), 1 light point.<br>- Varanda: 1 outlet point, 1 light point.<br> <br>CEILING STRUCTURE: Composed of ceiling, crescent molding and beams. Ceiling in Angelim or Embireira wood (depending on stock), pitched in the living room and flat in all the other spaces. Shed, varanda and eaves have no ceiling and exposed roof tiles. Crescent molding of Angelim or Embireira where the ceiling is wood. <br><br>METAL FIXTURES: General valves and showers in Delta brand model C33 cruzeta chrome. Bathroom faucets of Delta model C33 cruzeta chrome. Kitchen faucet and service room sink at expense of CONTRACTANT.<br> <br>FLOORING AND WALL TILES: Bathroom and kitchen tiles to the roof on all walls. On the wall of the service area, when there is one, tiles up to 1.5 m in height only on the wall with the sink. Floors in bathroom, kitchen, bedrooms, living room, circulation spaces and service area in glazed ceramic tile. Varanda floor in glazed ceramic tile. <br><br>ACCESSORIES: Kit with accessories for bathrooms (soap dish, toilet paper dispenser, clothes hooks and bath- and face-towel racks in chrome metal, of the Expambox brand Magnus model.<br><br>PORCELAIN FIXTURES: Set of toilet and tank and pedestal sink in porcelain enamel of the Incepa brand Flamingo line, in colors: white, biscuit or gray. <br><br>DOORS AND WINDOWS:<br> <br>- Living rooms: sliding windows with no shutters. <br>- Bedrooms: sliding windows without shutters. <br>- Kitchens and bathrooms: straight windows “maximum-air” type. <br>- Smooth outside door in wood MEXICANA-style, internal doors flat and smooth style. <br><br>All of the windows and doors are in hardwood in the sizes specified in the building plans.<br><br>LOCKS: Of the Alliance brand Inox model. Outside doors with lock with cylinder ref: 4600/70. Inside doors with lock ref: 4700/70. Bathroom doors with lock ref: 4800/70. <br><br>HARDWARE: “Maximum-air” type windows with factory lock without key. The other windows have locks of the União Mundial brand model FLZ in chrome. Sliding windows with keyless latch. French windows (when used) with surface Cremona-style bolt latches and rods. Sliding doors (when used) with parrot-beak type locks.<br><br>PAINTING: In the outdoor surfaces, doors and windows, siding, eaves and indoor and outdoor ceilings will receive two coats of Poilulack Marítimo high gloss varnish from the Sayerlack brand. The indoor walls will be plastered. Both indoors and outdoors, the paint will be applied in two coats of Suvinil Látex PVA, from the standard catalog of colors (Branco Neve, Gelo, Preto, Verde Musgo, Vanila, Areia, Palha, Marfim, Pérola, Camurça, Concreto, Pêssego, Flamingo, Amarelo Canário, Cerâmica, Vermelho Cardinal e Azul Profundo), given that, only one color can be chosen outdoors and one indoors.

  • Ipanema Project
  • foundation
  • concrete panels
  • structure
  • walls
  • prefab home
  • prefab houses
  • plastered panels
  • varanda
  • shed and service area
  • solide pine
  • plywood
  • pre-fabricated roof
  • plankers
  • amanco
  • acessories
  • painting
  • suvinil
  • casas curitiba

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M & R Ltda. - Casas Curitiba

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Business type

  • Casas Curitiba
  • home
  • cabin
  • office
  • recreation room or cabana
  • precut
  • prefab hardwood homes
  • simple carport
  • a one bedroom cabin of 35 sq. meters
  • a 200 sq. meter 4 bedroom home
  • a 1
  • 000 square meter or larger hotel/motel complex
  • Brazilian hardwoods
  • Wood Kit includes all of the hardwood for your home
  • including walls
  • solid hardwood floors
  • doors & windows--precut and ready to assemble. With the Finishing Kit
  • you will have a Spanish Tile roof
  • ceramic tiles for all walls & floors of kitchens and baths
  • Wooded
  • concreted and modern design houses
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Pedro ********
  • icone de telefone +55 41********
  • map-marker Campo Largo / PA | Brazil

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