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Maquina de bloco pim martelos

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Since 2020



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Those who know the PIM-MARTELO aggregate dosing plant do not choose another aggregate dosing plant. We are the ideal central household dispensing company for those seeking quality, agility and competence in central household dispensers.
PIM-MARTELO develops central aggregate dosing according to the customer's needs. Silos with high precision electronic weighing system with option to use moisture sensors in the silos to make the weight correction. We produce central aggregate dosing with joint balance for all silos and also plants with individual balance for each aggregate, enabling productivity adjustment the need for production of each company. The aggregate donor plant is indicated for storing and measuring aggregates for the manufacture of concrete blocks, slabs, etc. Our aggregate metering plant is composed of a measurement system, which can be load cell or volume.
We have central concrete dispenser which are responsible for the dosage of concrete component materials and their transfer to the concrete mixer truck. In this type of plant, the mixture and homogenization of the concrete are made in the truck itself, before proceeding to the work. These concrete metering plants are basically composed of cement silo, water and additive reservoirs, cement and aggregate scales, hydrometers, compressors and belt conveyors.
• Central household donor in São Paulo;
• Where to find central household dosing;
• Sale of central household dosing plant;
Here at PIM-MARTELO you will find everything you need in a central household dosing machine. We are specialists in central household donor since 2009 and we guarantee your satisfaction in purchasing central household dosing. Ask for a quote from the aggregate dosing center you need right now.
The first in central aggregate dosing is PIM-MARTELO.


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Maquina de bloco pim martelos

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1M - 2M

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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer
  • Business Service

  • concrete mixer
  • conveyor belt
  • aggregate feeder
  • aggregate feeder plant
  • togo concrete plant
  • concrete floor machine
  • hydraulic block machine
  • mortar mixer
  • Ver Mais

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Pim ********
  • icone de telefone +55 19********
  • map-marker mogi mirim / SP | Brazil

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