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Since 2009



About Us

Induscabos Condutores Elétricos Ltda., which is a genuinely Brazilian company, has been operating in the electric wiring and cable market ever since 1978. Throughout all this time, we have grown always in the quest of technological advances, by ceacelessly investing in the quality of our products, with the objective to keep up pace with the development of the country and that of the world, which is evinced by an ever more demanding and competitive market. Induscabos today takes up over 41.695 m2 of modern installations, equipped with the most advanced equipment and using 1st. rate technology, whereby the products are continuously being developed and improved by a team of extremely qualified professionals.

All Induscabos products are rigorously tested in modern laboratories that have the objective to insure the necessary quality for the different purposes for whith said products are intented. Quality is crucial to Induscabos, and quality is construed as fully catering to the requirements of the client regarding the product being acquired.

We are always busy in the quest of new solutions, always innovating in order to satisfy the needs of both the domestic and the foreign market. Our engineers are at the service of our clients to help them develop new products that are totally suitable to their projects.

THE MISSION OF THE COMPANY: To provide wiring and cables to the market for the Resale, Civil Construction, Industrial, Engineering, Electric Power Concessionaire, and Telephone segments, including Electro-Electronic and Automotive products, in a competitive manner and providing the necessary warrainties according to the quality demanded by the market, motivating and developing partnerships to achieve this objective.

INDUSCABOS QUALITY POLICY: "To satisfy client’s expectations through continued improvements of the products and services acquired”.

Quality may be defined in many different ways. We at Induscabos have objectively defined Quality as being a satisfied client. Purporting to fully obtain the satisfaction of our consumers, we have been working ever since 1994 under the aegis of the NBR ISO 9002 Quality Assurance System, which has allowed us to use the best international practices regarding Organization Management. And now, in 2003, Induscabos obtained the NBR – ISO 9001 quality assurance system certificate, which has been certified by UL (Underwriters Laboratories Inc), one of the most renowned certification companies in the world.

In order to be able to consolkidate our quality standards, we have been obtaining product conformity certificates for years, such as NBR 6148 for the BWF 750V Antiflame Wire, the BMW 750V Antiflame Cable and the BWF 750V Flexible Cable, and recently, we obtained our BWF 750V Ecopower Antiflame Ecological Wire.

Always in the quest for Quality Excellence, and more recently and on a volunteer basis, we have anticipated compliance with Normative Rule no. 044 dated March 15, 2000, attaining the conformity certifications for products complying with norm NBR 13249 for the 300V Twisted Wire, the 300V Parallel Wire and the Carboflex 750V PP Wire.

Main Markets

  • Africa
  • North America
  • South America



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Business type
  • Industry / Manufacturer

  • Electric wires and cables for low
  • medium and high tension.

Contact and location
  • icone de usuario Heber ********
  • icone de telefone +55 11********
  • map-marker Poá / SP | Brazil

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